1. Five Tips for Better Images from Do Try This At Home. I admit to being a very amateur photographer - I have a good camera but don't play with it as much as I'd like to. Since we're almost to New Year's and thinking about resolutions, I'm considering "Get out of your point-and-shoot rut" for one of them.
2. Once I take my pictures, I like using Lightroom to edit them. They never come out of the camera looking the way I see the image in real life, and some subtle editing can really bring them back to life. 4 Tips for Efficient Editing in Adobe Lightroom from The Life of a Crafty Wife has some great ideas. I tried her first tip - marking the ones I liked and sorting from there - and it definitely made editing and saving go more quickly.
3. Learning American History through Movies from Heart of Wisdom blog has a FANTASTIC list of movies for every era of US History. Some are for older students only (and flagged if they have more restrictive ratings - PG13, R, etc.), but I think this is going to be a great resource for Jude. He loves history, and soaks up video-based presentations.
4. FREE Christmas Worksheets from Mrs. Karle's Sight and Sound Reading. Jude and I are trying something new this month - "Christmas School"! All of our lessons have had a Christmas theme - we're working on a Nutcracker Lapbook, and some holiday-themed Math worksheets, and these color-by-word sheets are a great for rounding off our studies. (Bonus: there are some color-by-letters for Damien to work on, too!)
5. I recently read How 936 Pennies Will Forever Change How You Parent at From Famine to Foodie. I admit to tearing up, because "time flies" has hit hard this week. Luke found a stack of college advertisement letters that came while we were on this vacation; the baby-faced Damien I had tucked in woke up from a nap, and suddenly looked like the "big boy" almost-kindergartener he is. I'm not about to go out and get a jar of pennies for each child, but reading this really brought home how when they're newborns, we think we have all the time in the world, but in reality - they'll be grown before we realize.
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©2012- 2014 Adventures with Jude. All rights reserved. All text, photographs, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written consent of the author. http://adventureswithjude.com
I love the choices you made for sharing, and I wish to especially thank you for Number 5. You may have just saved the best for last. What a touching story and wonderful reminder. I needed that right now. I'll be back later to check out the photography posts. We'll be focusing on that in our homeschool for the next several months, and I am always trying to sharpen my skills and learn more. :)