Friday, February 6, 2015

Random 5 - February 6

It's FRIDAY!!  Is everybody doing the Happy Dance?  I sure am!

5 gems overheard in our house this week:

1. Nice try, buddy...but it didn't work.

Jude: I can't do this. I'm just a child.
Me: Who is smart.
Jude: I'm just pretending to be smart. I'm fake smart.

2.  Some holidays deserve more respect:
Jude: I can't do schoolwork! It's Groundhog Day! It's a holiday!

 Yes, he still had to do work.

3. Neal had back surgery about 10 days ago, and is recuperating mostly in bed because that's where he can get into a comfortable position.   Overheard at dinnertime:

Me to Luke: Can you babysit the (cooking) hamburgers while I run a tray up to dad?
Damien: I'll babysit the potato chips!

4.  I was trying to explain Social Security and the shortfall to Luke using examples a teen boy would understand:

Say everyone at the Warehouse pays into a kitty for birthday parties, and one person shops for cake. The guarantee is you get cake now on your birthday (the "disability-when-you-qualify" angle), plus if you retire, you still get cake for life ("retirement benefit"). Pop pays his $10/month for years, then retires. You still have to buy him cake (because you promised), but you're now short his $10 every month. How will you make it up? Buy him a cheaper cake, or everybody say, "OK, there are 6 of us still here, everybody chip in another 2 bucks."

5.  Jude's been doing a lot of sensory seeking this week.   He's been running in circles, and jumping on the mini-trampoline in the basement.  For something different, I hooked up his net swing.

"It was a dark and stimmy night."

Come on over to The Pebble Pond  and join the party!

©2012- 2015 Adventures with Jude. All rights reserved. All text, photographs, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written consent of the author.

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